The Statistical Soil Estimation module activates the option to estimate soil parameters with a series of different methods, and perform a statistical analysis of the estimation results. This option increases the value of certainty when we need to select the actual soil properties that we wish to use in the specific project file.
Fig. Statistical Analysis of the Estimated Soil Properties in DeepEX
How it Works
SPT records can be assigned to any stratigraphy within the DeepEX software, just by defining the depth and SPT values. DeepEX has implement several methods that can estimate different soil properties based on the provided SPT values. The statistical analysis allows us to estimate soil property variability with depth or in the project plan. Then, one can select the desired design values based on the desired confidence level.
Fig. An SPT Record used in a Deep Excavation Model in DeepEX
Fig. Soil Properties Estimation Methods - Soil Strengrh, Friction Angle, Cohesion in DeepEX
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