Discover the Secrets of Lateral Pile Analysis for Drilled Piles with DeepFND Software!
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Discover the Secrets of Lateral Pile Analysis for Drilled Piles with DeepFND Software!


Are you tired of spending hours on lateral pile analysis for drilled reinforced concrete piles? Don't miss out on crucial factors like concrete section cracking, static versus cyclic lateral loading, and pile installation effects. With DeepFND - our groundbreaking Deep Foundations Design software - you can examine these effects for any pile foundation system in just minutes!

Imagine the power of having a comprehensive analysis tool at your fingertips. In this article, we dive deep into three captivating cases that will revolutionize your understanding of lateral pile response.

CASE A: Unlock the Potential of Concrete Cracking

Explore the striking difference between lateral pile analysis results with and without considering concrete section cracking. Witness how the pile displacements skyrocket when cracks come into play. This eye-opening discovery emphasizes the importance of accounting for this effect, especially in smaller diameter concrete piles prone to cracking. The case contrasts a drilled reinforced concrete pile loaded with a 40k lateral load with and without section cracking.

CASE B: Unveil the Impact of Static VS Cyclic Loading

Delve into the realm of monotonous versus cyclic loading definitions and their profound influence on lateral pile analysis. Discover how the number of cycles examined can significantly impact pile displacements and moments, particularly in stiff clays without free water. Prepare to be amazed as Figure 6 reveals the secrets behind lateral displacement graphs under different cycle scenarios.

CASE C: Pile Installation Effects on Lateral Pile Response

Uncover the hidden truths about installation disturbance for drilled concrete piles. Witness the surprising disparity between lateral pile resistance in driven piles versus drilled ones. Brace yourself for an even larger effect caused by soil disturbance during drilling operations. Figure 7 showcases the jaw-dropping pile displacement graph, highlighting the need to consider this crucial factor.


​Top El.


Unit Weight

Friction Angle

C’ or Su



























Stiff Clay










Glacial Till








Table 1: Soil Properties and Stratigraphy

Pile Type:

Reinforced Concrete Pile



Longitudinal Reinforcement:

12 #8 bars

Shear Reinforcement

#3 bars @10in Spacing

Concrete Material:

3 ksi

Rebar Steel Material:

Grade 60

Pile Length:


Table 2: Pile Section Properties


The DeepFND software was used to simulate a reinforced concrete pile under a lateral load. Figure 1 presents the soil properties and stratigraphy in DeepFND software. Figure 2 shows the pile section properties (pile type, dimensions, and reinforcement). Figure 3 presents the lateral pile analysis options for the lateral load (static or cyclic) and the option to consider non-linear response for concrete cracking. Finally, Figure 4 shows the pile installation disturbance factors in DeepFND.

Discover the Secrets of Lateral Pile Analysis for Drilled Piles with DeepFND Software!
Figure 1: Soil properties and soil layers in DeepFND

Discover the Secrets of Lateral Pile Analysis for Drilled Piles with DeepFND Software!
Figure 2: Pile Section Properties in DeepFND

Discover the Secrets of Lateral Pile Analysis for Drilled Piles with DeepFND Software!
Figure 3: Lateral Pile Analysis Assumptions in DeepFND

Discover the Secrets of Lateral Pile Analysis for Drilled Piles with DeepFND Software!
Figure 4: P-Y Multipliers in DeepFND to consider Installation Disturbance

C.1 CASE A: Effects of Concrete Cracking in Lateral Pile Analysis

Figure 5 compares lateral pile analysis results for the uncracked and cracked section simulation (top and bottom). Lateral pile displacements for cracked pile section are considerably increased. This indicates that for nonlinear section cracking should be considered for all reinforced concrete piles.

Discover the Secrets of Lateral Pile Analysis for Drilled Piles with DeepFND Software!
Figure 5.a: Uncracked Section Analysis Results

Discover the Secrets of Lateral Pile Analysis for Drilled Piles with DeepFND Software!
Figure 5.b: Cracked Section Analysis Results

C.2. CASE B: Effects of Static VS Cyclic Loading in Lateral Pile Analysis.

Would a monotonic versus a cyclic loading definition make much of a difference in the lateral pile analysis? As a matter of fact, it would! Especially with stiff clays without free water, the number of cycles examined plays a significant part in the calculation of the pile displacements and moments. Figure 6 below presents the lateral displacement graphs for the model with the cracked concrete section, under 10, 100 and 1000 cycles respectively.

Discover the Secrets of Lateral Pile Analysis for Drilled Piles with DeepFND Software!
Figure 6: Pile Displacement Graphs for Cyclic loads a) 10 Cycles, b) 100 Cycles, c) 1000 Cycles

C.3. CASE C: Effects of the Installation Disturbance for Drilled Concrete Piles

The primary lateral p-y springs by Reese and API were developed for driven piles. Pile driving operations seem to have a minor effect on the lateral pile resistance, but when it comes to the soil disturbance from drilling operations, this effect is much larger. Based on our experience a p reduction of 0.8 might be warranted in drilled piles, which basically reduces the lateral spring strength x 0.8. Figure 7 shows the pile displacements graph for the uncracked pile section, with P multiplier = 0.8.

Discover the Secrets of Lateral Pile Analysis for Drilled Piles with DeepFND Software!
Figure 7: Pile Displacement Graph – P multiplier = 0.8


In conclusion, simulating piles is an intricate process influenced by various mechanics that impact their behavior over time. DeepFND leaves no stone unturned, meticulously capturing the essence of adjacent soil disturbance during installation, concrete cracking under high lateral loads, and the effect of soil resistance degradation due to lateral cyclic loading.

By embracing these crucial factors, you hold the key to unlocking unrivaled accuracy and reliability in predicting the behavior and performance of your physical pile foundation system. Don't settle for less when the future of deep foundations design awaits you with DeepFND!

Seize the opportunity now and experience the extraordinary power of DeepFND software. Unleash the full potential of your lateral pile analysis and embark on a journey of unprecedented insights. The revolution is here, waiting for you to join.


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