DeepFND - HelixPile Software Training Materials
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DeepFND - HelixPile Software Training Materials

DeepFND/HelixPile Software Presentation Videos and Examples

In this section, we include a series of software presentations videos and examples that can demonstrate the use and capabilities of our pile foundation design software, as well as, assist you get started using DeepFND. These videos present essential information about the software interface, capabilities, and how user can create any deep foundation model, define the analysis options, review the results and optimize the model.

This section is common for both our foundation piles design software - DeepFND and for our helical piles design software - HelixPile. The two programs are similar. Both of them share the same code and interface, with the only difference being the provided pile types. DeepFND can be used for the design of all pile types, helical and non-helical (drilled, dricen, caissons, CFA piles, drilled-in-displacement piles). HelixPile can be used for the design of helical piles.

These videos and examples can be a useful tool both for unexperienced new software users, and for experienced ones who wish to review the special software capabilities. Please review them and contact us any time if you have any questions or special requests.

A. Software Presentation Videos

Presentation Video Part 1 (DeepFND and HelixPile): Introduction, software interface and soil properties

Presentation Video Part 2 (DeepFND and HelixPile): Define loads on pile head and design standards

Presentation Video Part 3 (DeepFND): Non-Helical pile types: example and results

Presentation Video Part 4 (DeepFND and HelixPile): Helical piles: example and results

B. Training Videos (Examples and Features)

C. Software Examples

​Driven Steel Beam Single Pile Design

Open Example

​Drilled Concrete Single Pile Design

Open Example

​Single Pile - Helical Pile Design

Open Example

​Circular Cap with Helical Piles Design

Open Example

D. PDF Documents: Manual - Examples - Verification

1. DeepFND/HelixPile User's and Theory Manual Open in PDF

2. DeepFND/HelixPile PY Analysis Theory & Verification Open in PDF

3. Case History: A Pile Raft in Gdansk, Poland (DeepFND Verification) Open in PDF

4. Lateral Load Tests in DeepFND and HelixPile Open in PDF

5. Axial Load Tests in DeepFND and HelixPile Open in PDF

6. Driven Steel Piles Example - Single Pile and Pile Group Open in PDF

7. Helical Piles Example - Single Pile and Pile Group Open in PDF


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