DeepEX Software - 3D FEM Training
Our cutting edge shoring design software - DeepEX - boasts a revolutionary 3D Finite Element Analysis engine, setting a new standard in excavation design.
Examples Database (select to access an example or scroll down to review all examples):
With DeepEX, crafting intricate 3D FEM models is as simple as a few clicks. Our intuitive interface empowers users to generate, access, and edit models with unparalleled ease, right within the model area. Say goodbye to cumbersome procedures found in other software suites—DeepEX streamlines the entire process, saving you precious time and effort.
But the power of DeepEX doesn't stop there. Our software runs 3D FEM models at lightning speed, providing invaluable insights into stress, moments, and displacement distributions across soil, walls, supports, and walers. What's more, DeepEX excels by encompassing all structural elements, surpassing any other solution available.
Join us as we delve into a world where innovation meets efficiency. Explore our collection of 3D FEM design examples and witness firsthand the transformative capabilities of DeepEX. Your journey to optimized excavation design starts here.
Below you can review a series of examples illustrating how our 3D FEM analysis module works within DeepEX software. Our groundbraking module allows you to simulate, analyze, design and optimize complex excavation models in minutes. Each example includes a video with the model creation, a pdf file and an actual software file that you can download and run within DeepEX software (the DeepEX 2024 3D version with the 3D FEM module should be activated for you to run the files).
Example 1 - Rectangular excavation
Model simulation, comparison between LEM, Non-Linear and FEM analysis, 3D FEM model analysis
In this example, we'll explore the simulation, design, and analysis of a 6-meter rectangular deep excavation featuring internal bracing with struts and walers. Through this demonstration, you'll gain insights into generating 2D excavation models graphically and analyzing them using various methods like Limit Equilibrium, Non-linear, and Finite Element approaches. Furthermore, you'll learn how to seamlessly transition to a full-scale 3D Finite Element analysis model within seconds, showcasing the remarkable capabilities of DeepEX software.

Example 2 - L-Shape excavation
Model simulation, 2D and 3D Finite Element Analysis
In this example, we'll explore the simulation, design, and analysis of an 18-foot-deep L-shape excavation, complete with internal bracing using struts and walers. Discover how to effortlessly generate 2D models in seconds using type commands, and learn to create 3D models graphically by drawing the perimeter directly on the model area. These models will then undergo comprehensive analysis using both the 2D and 3D finite element analysis engines within DeepEX.

Example 3 - Arbitrary Shape excavation
Model simulation and 3D Finite Element Analysis
In this example, we'll delve into the simulation, design, and analysis of a 6-meter arbitrary shape deep excavation, complete with internal bracing using struts and walers. Through this exploration, you'll discover how to automatically generate both 2D and 3D models using the intuitive DeepEX model wizard. Moreover, you'll learn how to seamlessly access and edit 3D models graphically, directly within the model area. These generated models will then undergo analysis utilizing the 3D finite element analysis engine integrated into DeepEX.