Workshop Instructor: Dimitrios C. Konstantakos, P.E.
Dimitrios C. Konstantakos, P.E., is the founder and CEO of Deep Excavation LLC, a developer of user-friendly, high-quality, deep excavation calculation and design software. He is also the current chair of the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Earth Retaining Structures Committee.
Mr. Konstantakos holds a master of science degree in Civil/Geotechnical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a BS degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He has been involved in the design of bridge foundations, tunnels, deep excavations, finite element simulations, piers and bulkheads, pile foundations, and field inspections.Mr. Konstantakos has also taught Support of Excavation Systems as an adjunct professor at New York University.
Workshop Instructor: Nikolaos Lesgidis, P.E. EU
Nikolaos Lesgidis, P.E. EU, PhD, M.ASCE is a lead software engineer (computational geotechnics) in Deep Excavation LLC, responsible for the development of the Finite Element Analysis modules of the DeepEX and DeepFND software suites. He is the co-author of over 15 high impact journal and international conference publications in the field of soil structure interaction and computational mechanics.
Dr. Lesgidis holds a Dpl.Ing and a Phd in Civil Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He is a Certified Professional Engineer in EU, and has been involved in numerous research projects worldwide.
Workshop Instructor: Dimitrios Mamoglou, P.E. EU
Dimitrios Mamoglou, P.E. EU is a professional Structural/Geotechnical Engineer, cooperating with Deep Excavation LLC since 2010. Mr Mamoglou has been involved with the company's software products development, production of technical documents and manuals, as well as with the technical support and training of users in the effective use of geotechnical engineering programs.
Mr. Mamoglou holds a Diploma of Engineeging Degree in Civil/Structural Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He is a Certified Professional Engineer in EU, and he has been involved in the design of pile foundations, helical pile projects and deep excavations.