Funny geotechnical terms
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Funny geotechnical terms

After a series of serious newsletter items we thought of give everyone a small reason to smile. This limited list provides some of the funny geotechnical terms that we have encountered. Have fun :)

Abudment: An abutment meets Budweiser (beer)

Bed rock: Rock music that you listen when you go to bed

Cut-and-cover: Mafia style, cut soil, cover evidence.

Funny geotechnical terms

Excavation: What support, just bring a back hoe?

Dirt: What your non geotech spouse calls soil

Experience: Repeating the same mistake with increased confidence

Fountations: The combination of a foundation and a fountain.

Grading curve: Not it is not about your college grades!!!

Historical maximum stress: At the time of Julius Ceasar?

Inspector: Ok, he is for lunch, finish that pile quickly.....

King pile: A pile with a king's crown?

Observational approach: Sip coffee, observe wall fail.

Principal stress: The stress that your high school principal applied to your class.

Seapage force: The force of seepage from the sea

Soil investigation: What do you mean you need an investigation? I had a project 2 miles north...

Tietacks: Instead of tiebacks, tie tacks are commonly used to tie jewelry

Tolerance: What do you mean that the pile is off by 10 ft?

Whaler: When your tieback waler goes fishing (Boston Whaler boat)

And an oath:

I swear by NAVFAC DM7.2 to tell the truth and only but the truth!

Funny geotechnical terms


Solutions for Geotechnical Engineering Professionals:

DeepEX: Deep Excavations Design Software

DeepEX: Deep Excavations Design Software

DeepFND: Pile Foundations Design Software

DeepFND: Pile Foundations Design Software

HelixPile Helical Piles Design Software

HelixPile Helical Piles Design Software

SnailPlus: Soil Nail Walls Design Software

SnailPlus: Soil Nail Walls Design Software


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