Slope Stability Analysis Concept
A slope stability analysis, In most cases, has as the primary purpose to contribute to the safe and economic design of excavations, embankments, earth dams landfills and soil heaps. Slope stability evaluations are concerned with identifying critical geological, material, environmental and economic parameters, that will affect the project, as well as understanding the nature, magnitude and frequency of potential slope problems. When dealing with slopes in general and slope stability analysis in particular, previous geological and geotechnical experience in an area is valuable.
The aims of slope stability analyses are
(i) To understand the development and form of natural slopes and the processes responsible for different natural features.
(ii) To assess the stability of slopes under short-term (often during construction) and long-term conditions
(iii) To assess the possibility of landslides involving natural or existing engineered slopes.
(iv) To analyze landslides, understand failure mechanisms and evaluate the influence of environmental factors.
(v) To enable redesign of failed slopes and planning and design of preventive and remedial measures (when necessary).
(vi) To study the effect of earthquakes on slopes and embankments.
Slope stability analysis must take into account a variety of factors relating to topography, geology and material properties, often associated to whether the slope was naturally formed or engineered.

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