Finite Element Method (FEM)
The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a numerical method for solving engineering problems. Over the last years, it is adopted by several structural and geotechnical design software programs and it offers an advanced solution to complex soil retaining problems. FEM uses mesh generation techniques for dividing a complex problem into smaller parts, called finite elements, that can be described by simpler equations. Usually, a Finite Element software is used in order to assemble the finite elements and simulate the entire model.
DeepEX software uses our Finite Element Analysis method engine, called DeepFEM. This option is implemented in all software versions since 2019, and it can be activated as an additional, optional module within the software, allowing us to model full soil-structure interaction considering all construction stage effects. The following options are available:
- Elastic and inelastic soil constitutive laws with associative or non-associative Failure Criteria (e.g. Mohr-Coulomb, Drucker-Prager, Soil Hardening).
- Drained and Undrained modelling of clays with excess pore pressures.
- External loads: Prescribed, surface Strip and Linear Surcharges, 3D Loads (Buildings, Footings, Area Loads).
- Automated, high-quality mesh generation with quadratic triangular finite elements.
- Inelastic zero thickness interface elements automatically generated on soil to structural element interfaces.
- Steady state seepage analysis where the user can define boundary conditions, drains and wells.
- Expert decision making on the estimation of the FEM analysis parameters.
- Calculation of Surface Settlements.
- Deadman Wall Systems.
- Design of Anchored walls and Braced excavations.
- Analysis of Multiple walls.

Fig. Braced Excavation - Finite Element Analysis - DeepEX Software
DeepEX Software Implements all common Analysis Methods for the design of Deep Excavations
Limit Equilibrium Analysis - Non-Linear Analysis (Soil Springs) - Finite Element Analysis
FEM analysis can consider all construction stage effects and enables us to model full soil-structure interaction. Soil is modelled with a mesh of quadratic triangular finite elements. DeepEX does all the stiffness calculations and helps us to estimate FEM analysis parameters. In FEM, the soil model of each soil type can be defined easily. DeepEX has implemented several models like Mohr-Coulomb, Soil Hardening, Cam Clay and more. It considers drained and undrained clay behavior and it can perform water flow analysis.
DeepFEM can be used within the DeepEX software interactive interface, to analyze composite models like braced excavations with struts and rakers, anchored walls, deadman wall systems and more. It can calculate all analysis results – soil and water pressures, wall moment shear and displacement diagrams, support reactions, structural and geotechnical ratios, surface settlements and more. The results can be presented in tables or graphically on the model area for each stage.
Solutions for Geotechnical Engineering Professionals:

DeepEX: Deep Excavations Design Software

DeepFND: Pile Foundations Design Software

HelixPile Helical Piles Design Software