New Tapan Zee Bridge Cofferdams - DeepEX Project
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New Tapan Zee Bridge Cofferdams - DeepEX Project

New Tapan Zee Bridge Cofferdams

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Construction of the $3.9 billion new Tapan Zee Bridge in New York required that cofferdams are constructed inside the Hudson river. Siefert Associates ( designed the cofferdams using our DeepEX deep excavation software. The soils at the river consist of soft organic clays, and silts. The cofferdams were 90x45ft and were modeled using two opposite walls in DeepEX supported by one level of struts. The construction involved backfilling over the soft deposits to raise the grade as well as dewatering inside the cofferdam to create the pile cap for the new bridge piers.

We want to thank Andrew Baumer, E.I.T and Principal Mr. Vincent Siefert, P.E. for sharing these photos.

Please contact us for a demonstration of DeepEX at

New Tapan Zee Bridge Cofferdams

New Tapan Zee Bridge Cofferdams
New Tapan Zee Bridge Cofferdams

New Tapan Zee Bridge Cofferdams

While this was not available at the time, we (at Deep Excavation), prepared a sample cofferdam model that matches the dimensions of the Tapan Zee 90ftx45ft cofferdams:

New Tapan Zee Bridge Cofferdams

New Tapan Zee Bridge Cofferdams

Avoid a One-Million Dollar Mistake - Try DeepEX

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