Models Comparison - DeepEX, Plaxis, Wallap Programs
Plaxis, Wallap, and DeepEX are some of the common software programs that are used in Deep Excavations.
Each of the programs employes a slightly different analysis methodology.
Plaxis and Wallap are primarily only analysis tools whereas DeepXcav offers a complete Deep Excavation design package.
For deep excavations there is no right answer as to which analysis is always the best.
An experienced engineer knows that all our analytical methods are rough approximations.
From any analysis, the engineer should first ask if the obtained wall displacements are realistic.
It is always useful to analyze a sensitive excavation with different software programs that offer different analysis capabilties.
We feel that it is always the best to examine sensitive excavations with many analysis methods and obtain an envelope of solutions.
For smaller excavations a simpler analysis can be all that one needs.
Our DeepEX software has both simple and advanced analysis capabilties that allow an engineer to model the overwhelming majority of deep excavation conditions that are encountered.
At Deep Excavation we have developed DeepXcav which is currently used to design subway stations in India:
DeepEX is used by more than 2000 engineers worldwide.
Deep excavation analyzed with DeepEX - Plaxis and Wallap
10m excavation with an 80cm thick diaphragm wall analyzed with Plaxis, Wallap, and DeepEX (DeepXcav). Similar displacements wall moments, and support reactions.

Deep excavation for 20m deep subway stations in India, analyzed with Plaxis and DeepEX
This was an independent analysis by outside consultants in 2012 who are using DeepEX as the primary tool to analyze all deep excavations for new metro lines in India.
Wall bending moments are very similar, while support reactions are within 10 to 20%.
Two scenarios were analyzed, one with strut supports and one with a series of ground anchors.
Plaxis, wall bending 551 kN-m/m DeepEX, wall bending 545 kN-m/m

Plaxis, wall bending 669 kN-m/m DeepEX, wall bending 647 kN-m/m

Deep excavations benchmarked with DeepEX
A series of deep excavations supported by diaphragm walls in the United States have been benchmarked with DeepEX.
Project 1 has also been benchmarked with Plaxis were similar results were obtained.
Project 2 was impossible to match wall displacements with Plaxis.

DeepEX Software Can Design any Deep Excavation Model in Minutes!
Analyze Deep Excavations with All Methods: Limit Equilibrium - Non-Linear - Finite Element Analysis!
Design Anchored Walls, Braced Excavations, Cofferdams, Deadman Wall Systems, Top-Down + more!
AASHTO LRFD, CALTRANS, EUROCODES 2, 3, 7, 8, ACI, BS, Australian Codes, Chinese Codes +more!
Solutions for Geotechnical Engineering Professionals:

DeepEX: Deep Excavations Design Software

DeepFND: Pile Foundations Design Software

HelixPile Helical Piles Design Software