Pile Cap Shapes & Pile Configurations in DeepFND and HelixPile
Our foundation piles design programs DeepFND and HelixPile can design single piles under axial and lateral loads on 2 directions, as well as, pile groups with concrete caps of any shape and pile rafts. The following article and video presents the available pile cap shapes in our programs, as well as, the procedures to generate and edit the pile configurations (pile positions, pile directions and structural sections).
DeepFND and HelixPile software programs include a Pile Cap Wizard, which can be used to create a default pile cap (triangular, circular or rectangular). The wizard also creates all piles according to the user-defined preferences. We can access and edit the positions and structural sections of each pile, as well as, add or remove piles on the pile cap.
The software draw tools allow us to create custom shape pile caps and add piles graphically on the model area of the software.
As soon as a pile cap is generated, we can select to open the side view, top view and 3D view of the cap with all the piles on the model area. Lateral and Vertical analysis results for the piles and the pile cap can be displayed in tables and graphically, on the model area, in any of the views (side, top or 3D).

You can review the procedures to generate and edit pile caps in detail in the following training video: