Deep Excavation Cost Estimation With DeepEX
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Deep Excavation Cost Estimation With DeepEX

Estimating the cost of deep excavations requires experience beyond simple quantity take offs. Soil conditions, drilling techniques, site accessibility all play a role in obtaining an accurate cost estimate. Since 2008 DeepEX is the only software that can generate detailed quantity estimates for your deep excavation. Taking into account local material and installation cost adjustments. Estimates can be performed on 2D design sections or on a complete 3D design. This way engineers and contractors to quickly estimate and compare cost estimates between different alternatives, all within the same .deep file.

Figure: Cost Estimation Options: Currency, Location, Save Settings as Default

How it Works

With the cost estimation module activated, DeepEX can perform a preliminaly full cost estimations for your deep excavation project. The user can define local parameters (location, currency, basic cost options for several parameters) and the software can calculate all costs (labor and materials). Estimation and takeoff results are presented in detailed tables.

Figure: Wall Cost Options - Cost Estimation Settings dialog (DeepEX)

Figure: The estimated cost for a braced excavation model.

DeepEX Software Packages

Start with the Basic Version - Power Up with Additional Modules!

DeepEX offers a series of options and additional modules that can greatly expand the software capabilities and cover your exact needs! Find out about the DeepEX software packages pricing and licensing.


Let us show you how to design a deep excavation in minutes!


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