Export Support of Excavation Sketches to DXF
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Export Support of Excavation Sketches to DXF

Export Sketches to DXF with DeepEX

DeepEX software can automatically generate detailed SOE sketches (2D side sections and top view of 3D models), wall section details, model sketches with result graphs for all construction stages, wall elevations and more.

Export All your Model Sketches to DXF with a click!

How it Works

The Export drawings to DXF module allows the direct export of all 2D sections to DXF, saving you a respected amount of time and effort. DeepEX exports all design sections, wall sections and side view to DXF for all construction stages. You can define the sketch scale, the font size, add a template and more. The excavation site plan view and wall elevation (front) view for each excavation surrounding wall can also be exported to DXF (the 3D Frame Analysis additional module is also required for this case).

All exported DXF files can be accessed and edited with any CAD software.

DeepEX Software Packages

Start with the Basic Version - Power Up with Additional Modules!

DeepEX offers a series of options and additional modules that can greatly expand the software capabilities and cover your exact needs! Find out about the DeepEX software packages pricing and licensing.


Let us show you how to design a deep excavation in minutes!


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