Analyze Cut-And-Cover, SEM and TBM Tunnels
DeepEX is the ultimate software for the design and analysis of any deep excavation project. The software can be used for the simulation of projects constructed with different methods, including top-down models, cut-and-cover tunnels and drain boxes, cofferdams, deadman systems and more.
The standard version of the program can be used for the full design and analysis of shallow cut-and-cover tunnels. The DeepEX Finite Element Analysis engine can be used for the analysis of more composite tunnel sections, tunnels constructed with the Tunnel Boring Machine Method (TBM Tunnels) or the Sequential Excavation Method (SEM - NATM Tunnels) considering full soil structure interaction.
DeepEX Finite Element Engine for Tunnel Analysis
DeepFEM - our own Finite Element Analysis Engine can be used for the staged simulation of any project of shotcrete or mechanized tunneling.
The sections and tunnel segments can be activated and deactivated at any stage. Soil losses and pressure grouting can also be modeled with ease.
With the FEM Module, DeepEX can be used for the analysis of all tunnel types: TBM,SEM and Cut-and-cover!

Use of different tunnel construction methods in DeepEX:

Review the use of the Cut-and-Cover method in DeepEX Software

Review how Tunnels constructed with the TBM method can be simulated in DeepEX Software

Review how the Sequential Excavation Method Tunnels can be simulated in DeepEX

Simulate & analyze TBM tunnels with segmental linings in DeepEX Software