DeepEX - Shoring Design Software
DeepEX is the ultimate software program for design and analysis of any deep excavation model. It can alalyze any retaining system with different implemented methods: Limit Equilibrium Method, Beam on Elastoplastic Foundations Method (Non-Linear Analysis with Elastoplastic Springs) and Finite Element Analysis Method.

Excavation Support Systems in DeepEX
DeepEX can effectively design any common support system: cantilever excavations, cut-and-cover tunnels, anchored walls (walls with ground anchors, helical anchors and rock anchors), excavations with internal bracing (struts, rakers, walers, hydraulic struts and more), cofferdams, top-down systems with concrete slabs, deadman walls, bin type walls, stepped excavations, circular shafts and more.

Retaining Wall Types in DeepEX
DeepEX can effectively design any common wall type: Soldier Piles, Secant Piles, Tangent Piles, Concrete Diaphragms (Slurry Walls), Sheet Piles, Combined Sheet Piles, Box Sheet Piles and more.

Structural and Geotechnical Design Standards
DeepEX can do structural design of all structural sections, following several implemented structural code recommendations: ACI 318-11 and 318-19, AISC, AASHTO LRFD, NTC, EUROCODES 2, 3 and 8, CN Codes (China), AS 3600 and AS/NZ 4100 (Australia, New Zealand), DIN, BS and more.
The software implements a series of Geotechnical Codes - Load Combinations: AASHTO LRFD, CALTRANS, PEN DOT AASHTO, EUROCODE 7, CN (China) and more.

Slope Stability Analysis Options
DeepEX software can perform Global Stability Analysis of retaining wall systems and simple slope surfaces with or without the use of soil nails.
Slope Stability Analysis Methods: Bishop, Morgenstern-Price, Spencer, Ordinary Swedish Method.
Slope Surface Search Options: Automatic Slope Search (with a random surface generation algorythm), Circular Slope Surface (with user defined Center / Rectangle of possible centers and radious search limits), Circular surface with Active and Passive Wedges, Block-Type Failure and more.

Additional Modules - Customizable Versions
DeepEX software implements a series of powerful modules and options that can be activated within the program uppon purchase and greatly increase the software capabilities. The additional modules that can work within the program give the possibilities to: Export Sketches to DXF, Create and Analyze 3D Frame modes of any shape, Design Gravity Retaining Walls, Piers and Pile Supported Abutments, perform Damage Assessment of adjacent Buildings, Estimate Soil Properties and perform Statistical Analysis, Estimate the project Cost and more.