Transform how you design deep excavations, tunneling, and flood control embankment works!

Every year we work hard to make a great solution better. Our upcoming DeepEX 2023 is coming with new features to better help you deliver the right solution. After many years of requests, we have implemented MSE walls, stone columns, and geo-reinforcements. We have also expanded the ability to import large scale city data from publicly available sources and new elevation generation tools. The new version comes with corrugated sheeting and tunnel options and new analysis methods, improvements in slope stability slicing, and speed enhancements in large scale visualizations.
Text to model features
Write descriptive commands and automatically generate excavation models.

New Structural Codes:
Concrete: AREMA-15, Indian IS 456:2000, Canadian CSA A23.2.19, Hong-Kong
Steel: Indian IS800:2007, Canadian CSA S16-19, Hong-Kong HK 2021
New Load Combinations:
Canadian NR24-28-2018 with and without cranes
Canadian bridge design code S6-19
Proposed EC7 updated with significance factor
Seismic Analysis Options
Including cohesion effects can reduce the total seismic demand with these two methods:
RichardsShi solution for soils with both cohesion and friction
Machairas - Iskander solution for soils with both cohesion and friction
Frame analysis (3D walers)
Visualization speed improvements.
Weld and connection generation improvements.
Options for reducing waler moments by modelling bracing reactions at strut edges.
Viewing increment option for 3D models.
Waler extensions to struts, extend walers at connections. Connect struts to waler extensions for complex geometries.
Digital Twin City Data
Import buildings from DXF and CadMapper, import utility lines from QGIS dxf files. Tools allow you to easily import utility lines for damage assessment.

City Module & Ground Data
Transportation level analysis based on Google API, MapQuest, and other methods. With this tool you can quickly provide planning level estimates for travel times to new stations, number of people served withing 5, 10, 15 min time intervals and overall subway project benefits.
Improved global settlement large scale analysis
Trimming of imported ground surface data
Importing of ground elevations from dxf files
Improved quick estimation for subway lines and quick subway project cost estimates.

Soil reinforcements
Steel grids and strips, geogrids, geotextiles for slope stabilizations
Stone columns and adaptive soil improvement. Stone column shear strength calculation from replacement ratios.
Embankment Wizard with loading, geo-reinforcements, train loading, stone columns, etc.
Wall Sections
Double H-Beam soldier pile and secant pile walls
Corrugated sheeting two-flange and four flange, with support for CONTEC and DSI underground sections. Special methods available for circular shafts with corrugated sheeting. Wizard added for quick generation of circular corrugated sheeting excavations.
Base wall footing option added.

Slope Stability
- Improvements in slice generation for more accurate differentiation for layer intersections, stone columns, soil zones.
- Soil reinforcements such as geogrids, geotextiles, steel strips.
Finite Element Analysis Upgrades
- Improved speed and convergence.
- Improved algorithms for load combinations and standardization of loads for EC7 and other combinations.
- Dynamic analysis and time history options.
- Groundwater drawdown analysis.
- Automatic adjustment of properties at stone columns based on area replacement ratio.
Damage Assessment
Damage assessment for utilities with cost estimation and disruption level analysis. Estimating the settlements from tunneling and excavations, the program can assess the potential impact on existing utilities, determine service level disruptions, and potential costs. This large data feature allows for the quick study of the impact of large scale tunneling works on existing underground utility infrastructure.
Gravity Wall Analysis Options
Additional options for selecting support force reactions independent from slope stability analysis. Service reactions, allowable resistance, or ultimate resistances can be selected.
Multivariate Optimization
Improvements for multivariate optimization with wall sizes and other options.
New report templates, more condensed detailed calculation outputs, general report improvements.
Soil strength profiles
User specified Su, OCR elevation profiles. Allows for the specification of exact Su strengths and OCR values with elevation for cities such as Boston, etc.
New analysis methods to treat main wall as lagging when circular shafts are considered.
Corrugated sheeting sections
Slope stability improvements, refinements
AASHTO Coherent and stiffness methods
MSE automatic reinforcement optimization
Multiple wall effects
Building visualization improvements, HoloLens 2 support, Visualization of tunnels and utilities.