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How Should Geotechnical Engineers Charge?
Should geotechnical engineers charge by the hour or by the value of what they bring? I recently had what can be perceived as a heated...
Fools Elements or Limited Equilibrium?
FEM or LEM? A false choice in geotechnical engineering. Computers and computerized analyses are genuinely great tools that can sometimes...
Who Should Design Deep Excavations?
In a recent linked in poll, we asked the question who should design deep excavations and why. The motivation was the fact that in some...
Flood Protection for Underground Structures (10/31/2012)
The aftermath of Sandy found many underground structures such as tunnels and parking garages inundated with water. In reality there might...
Geotechnical Activity Index (Feb, 3, 2014)
The geotechnical activity index is a new index that reports on the geotechnical potential in each State within the US. The index takes...
Are Lateral Earth Pressures Enough?
In many deep excavations, geotechnical engineers only specify the lateral earth pressures that are to be used by the shoring designer. ...
Architecture and deep basements, architecture and underground parking garages
Increased congestion in urban cities has caused an increased demand for underground space (typically underground parking, infrastructure,...
Unconservative AASHTO LRFD
Unconservative designs with AASHTO LRFD methods for multi-level braced excavations. You would tend to think that AASHTO LRFD is always...
Lack of Geotehnical Data
No geotechnical data - the lack of proper geotechnical data in shoring designs. This appears to be the issue that most deep...
Grand Challenges in Deep Excavations
Contribute to our Industry: Grand Challenges in Earth Retaining Structures One of the action items that came from the ASCE/G-I Earth...
Earth retaining structures - Challenges
Is it a structure or is it earth? We recently conducted a poll in LinkedIn on the perception of structural engineers on earth retaining...
What is the Future of Geo-Engineering Software?
Support of Excavation Software – Where We Are and Where We Are Heading I am really excited about presenting at the DFI-CSCE 18th Annual...
Martin S. Kapp Engineering Award 2018
Deep Excavation CEO, Dimitrios Konstantakos, P.E is named as the recipient of the 2018 ASCE Martin S. Kapp Foundation Engineering Award!...
How to Minimize Geotechnical Uncertainty
Determine soil parameters when you don't have all the data. Geotechnical uncertainty is a major issue in deep excavation and geotechnical...
2015 International Foundations Congress & Equipment Exposition (IFCEE 2015). We are very excited to support the following two sessions...
2015 US Geotechnical Construction Outlook
2014 has seen considerable improvement in geotechnical construction activities within the United States. Big metropolitan cities, such as...
Talking to the wall - AREMA Specifications
Lateral surcharges from railway on temporary retaining walls Discussing earth retaining wall design issues with transportation or railway...
Funny geotechnical terms
After a series of serious newsletter items we thought of give everyone a small reason to smile. This limited list provides some of the...
The Best Job in the World!
The best job in the world is a deep excavation engineer! The best job in the world is a deep excavation engineer. My 2.5 year old son...
Funny Geotechnical 2016
FUNNIEST GEOTECHNICAL & EXCAVATION IMAGES! With 2016 almost over, these are some of the funniest 2016 pictures related to geotechnical,...
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